Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Entry #4- Golden Eye Reloaded

Preliminary Elements:

Title: Golden Eye Reloaded
Publisher: Activision
Release Date: 2011
Game Type: First Person Shooter

Game Summary:  Golden Eye Reloaded is one of the newer installments in the James Bond series of first person shooters but is essentially a re-imagining and updated version of the original Golden Eye found on the Nintendo 64.  This game follows the basic path of the Golden Eye movie while adding some additional elements of the player.  The most interesting update is the usage of Daniel Craig as James Bond instead of Pierce Brosnan (the Bond in Golden Eye).  The game drops you in various scenes and scenarios from the movie and, as Bond, you must fight your way to the end against numerous nameless henchmen while also attempting to complete various additional tasks along the way. 

Educational Value: I really don't see the educational value in this game.  Like most first person shooter games, its really just about shooting random bad guys without any thought.  While some of the missions do require additional actions on the player's part, I don't think that this would necessarily qualify as educational.  As I had trouble figuring out how to use the various parts of the controller to make Bond move, I did have to exercise a great deal of patience which is a virtue but still not educational.

Opinion: While I enjoyed trying the game and learning how to play a first person shooter, its really not a game or genre that I think I will be returning to soon.  The gameplay was very difficult to figure out as I had to not only be looking in a direction with one part of the controller but moving with another while simultaneously pressing buttons or aiming and shooting.  The graphics were very intense but rather dark at points so it was hard to see where I was heading or who I was aiming at.  I found the map and arrows helpful at points and confusing at other points.  While I can see how someone would enjoy this very fast-paced gameplay with a ton of action, this is simply not a genre that I'm really interested in exploring further personally and not a genre that I would ever consider introducing into a classroom.  

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